Cedric Cromwell Sentencing in Federal Bribery Case on Tuesday, November 15: Court to Consider Victim Impact Letters

The sentencing hearing for Cedric Cromwell will be held on Tuesday, November 15, at 10:00 a.m. The hearing will be held at the U.S. District Court in Boston before Judge Woodlock.

Transportation for tribal members is being arranged, and we will prioritize Elders. If you would like to attend and are seeking transportation, please get in touch with Tribal Council Secretary Cassie Jackson at cassie.jackson@mwtribe-nsn.gov.

Tribal members may also submit victim impact letters. Letters must be received by Monday, November 14. Email your letters to Secretary Jackson at cassie.jackson@mwtribe-nsn.gov. Victim impact letters must be addressed to the following:

Honorable Douglas P. Woodlock
United States District Judge
U.S. Courthouse
One Courthouse Way
Boston, MA 02210

Cromwell and David DeQuattro, the owner of an architectural and design firm working with our Tribe during the Cromwell administration, were convicted of bribery on May 5. Cromwell was convicted on two counts of bribery and three counts of extortion. DeQuattro was convicted on one count of bribery.