Legal Definition of an Adult

LEGAL DEFINITION OF AN ADULT – Resolution #2021204

WHEREAS, the Delaware Nation is a federally-recognized Indian Tribe that operates in accordance with its Constitution, as ratified on April 21, 1973, as amended from time to time, and recognized by the Secretary of Interior; and

WHEREAS, according to Article VI – Powers of the Constitution, “the Executive Committee shall have specific authority … to promulgate and enforce ordinances and codes governing law and order to protect the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of Delaware tribal citizens… “, and generally “shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Nation in all other matters upon which the Nation is empowered to act… “; and

WHEREAS, a tribal citizen who reaches the age of 18 and can withdraw their Minor Per Capita savings account will be considered an adult, and

WHEREAS, any services rendered must be requested by the tribal citizen who is 18 years of age or older unless a signed notarized affidavit or a power of attorney appointing one person  to request information on your behalf, and

WHEREAS, the signed notarized affidavit or power of attorney must be furnished and on file in the enrollment office before providing information to the appointed individual.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Delaware Nation Executive Committee that all tribal citizens 18 years and older, must over see any tribal services rendered, and must be the person to contact tribal government departments for status updates, unless a notarized affidavit or signed power of attorney is provided and on file in the enrollment office.


The foregoing resolution was adopted by the Delaware Nation Executive Committee at a duly called Executive Committee meeting held on July 20, 2021, by a vote of 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions, a quorum being present.

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