4 Reasons Why You Need to Embrace the Cloud

Published January 16, 2020

By 2020, research suggests that nearly all businesses will have at least some of their digital infrastructure in a cloud computing environment. Regardless of whether you have started that migration yourself, or whether you are new to the cloud, chances are you are going to need to explore the benefits of doing so in the near future. However, this is not something to fear; in fact, it can save you time and money, increase network security and make your business more profitable.

1. Speed and Performance

Much of what makes your business profitable, productive, and most importantly, attractive to your existing and potentially new customers, is your reliability. To your business, downtime is expensive, uses a lot of manpower, and makes many tasks impossible to complete on time or even at all. To your customers, excessive downtime is frustrating and suggests that their experience is not something you are investing in. This results in a lack of trust and significantly increases the losses that a slow or unpredictable data service can cause. Migrating your computing to the cloud, on the other hand, will ensure a robust, speedy and reliable service for you, your team and your customers, saving you time and money.

2. An Increasing Demand

When you are operating from the cloud, everything is not only going to perform better but is also going to cope better with the extra demands that your continued success is likely to bring. It doesn’t really matter what you offer; if it’s web-based, you can expect to see over three times today’s demand for IP traffic over the next four years (according to Cisco). If eCommerce is your core business, for example, then you should really look at migrating to the cloud so that you can keep up with this prospective demand. Consider getting some assistance with your cloud licensing from reliable experts such as the team at bytes.co.uk

3. Is Your Infrastructure Portable?

As you, hopefully, become a victim of your own success, you may need to enhance your offering. If you foresee the potential need to deploy new applications as part of your growth plan, then you are going to need a suitable cloud-based infrastructure to support this as efficiently as possible. Regulations are changing all the time, and if you have the agility to switch quickly between private, public or hybrid solutions as required to accommodate those changes, then the cloud will give a significant edge over traditional local solutions.

4. Saving Money and The Planet

There are lots of advantages to getting your business computing infrastructure in the cloud, but none is more compelling that the cost-saving effect. As you reduce your need to host internally, maintain, light or perhaps cool your own servers, you will save money whilst also doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint. Speed, performance, flexibility, scalability, cost-saving and climate saving; all valid reasons for embracing the cloud.

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